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As we look at scripture through the Bible, we will understand how God has ensured that his plan will come to pass despite every effort by the evil one and man to thwart it. Tony Lyon.


The Abrahamic Covenant

Genesis 12:1-3—A pivotal text The word Paul describes as "the gospel in advance" ("all nations will be blessed through you") is first heard in Genesis 12:3. It is the climax of God's promise to Abraham. It is also a pivotal text not only in the book of Genesis but indeed in the whole Bible. So important is it in Genesis that it occurs five times altogether, with minor variations of phraseology (Gen 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4-5; 28:14). Clearly, therefore, it is not just an afterthought tacked on to the end of God's promise to Abraham but a key element of it. Blessing for the nations is the bottom line, textually and theologically, of God's promise to Abraham.

Wright Christopher J. H. (2006). The Mission of God. Pg. 194.   Nottingham, England: Inter –Varsity Press.