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A working Bee is planned for Saturday 22nd March 8am to 12pm. We hold only two of these per year and appreciate your support in the upkeep of the church building and grounds. Come for however long you can, it all helps. 

There will be many tasks on the day, Gary Clark will be the Project Manager.

At some point during the morning there will be a devotion, a time of morning tea and fellowship too. Plenty of coffee, scones, chocolate brownie and Cornish Pasties. 

We need:

  • Helpers
  • 6 Wheelbarrows
  • 8 Spades
  • 2 Whipper Snippers
  • 2 Cobweb Brushes
  • 1 Blowers
  • 4 Rakes
  • General Pruning Tools / Gardening Tools
  • BYO Gloves if you prefer, some available

Come along and bring what you can. 

Working Bees are such a great time of fellowship and encouragement. We hope to see you there.