Just a note of thanks to all who contributed to put on such a beautiful moving Children's Service yesterday. There are too many to name but you all know how you served.
- To the Worship Team who set the theme of Building Your Life on Christ so well.
- Our Announcement Mum & Daughter
- Our Pastoral Prayer helpers
- Our Guest Speakers
- Our Communion Leader
- Our Welcome Team
- Our Coffee Team
- The Soup Makers
- The Soup Heaters
- The Dish Washing Team
- Those that vacuumed, put tables away
- Sound & Data Team
The site of all the children gathered surrounded by all the church family praying blessing over them as we sung The Blessing brought tears to many eyes including mine.
It was beautiful, heartfelt and very moving celebration together as a family.
The soups were delicious and prolonged the time of fellowship.
May God bless you all richly this week as you live and serve Him.
Thank you.
In Christ, Peter.