December 15th
The Promise of Christmas: Isaiah 40:1-5
Comprehension Questions
1. What specific message of comfort does God deliver to His people in Isaiah 40:1-2, and what is the reason for this comfort?
2. In Isaiah 40:3-5, what is the imagery used to describe the preparation for the coming of the Lord, and what will be the result of His arrival?
Going Deeper Questions
3. How does the voice calling to prepare "the way of the Lord" in Isaiah 40:3-5 connect to the broader theme of redemption in the Bible, particularly in relation to the coming of the Messiah?
4. What does Isaiah 40:5 mean when it says, "the glory of the Lord shall be revealed," and how does this promise offer hope for God's people?
Personal Application Questions
5. Reflecting on the call to "prepare the way of the Lord," how can you personally prepare your heart and life for God's work and presence?
6. Considering the message of comfort and the revelation of God's glory, how can you find encouragement and strength in your current circumstances through the promises found in Isaiah 40:1-5?