Topic 4 – The Fall and Humanity’s Tragic Choice (chapter 3) – Samuel Franklin
We journey into the heart-wrenching narrative where the serpent’s deception leads to humanity’s fateful decision to disobey God. Witness the devastating consequences of the Fall as sin enters the world, shattering the harmony between humanity and God. Yet even amid judgment, discover God’s grace as He promises redemption.
- A thought to ponder: How do we reconcile the reality of human sinfulness with the concept of God’s grace and redemption?
For individual or group study
Comprehension Questions
- According to Genesis 3, what are the specific strategies used by the serpent that help lead to Adam and Eve's disobedience to God?
- Discuss the consequences arising from 'the fall' and the judgements that God pronounces on the serpent, woman, and man.
Going Deeper Questions
- Further to question 1, compare and contrast Eve’s encounter with the serpent and Jesus’ encounter with Satan in the Wilderness? (cf Mat 4:1-11)
- Discuss the significance of Genesis 3:15 (the protoevangelium) in revealing a plan of redemption for all creation?
Personal Application Questions
- Reflecting on Questions 1 and 3, recognising we face a spiritual battle; how can you identify and resist temptation in your life?
Considering the theme of redemption woven in to Genesis 3, how does this shape your understanding of God’s pre-existent plan for salvation and your personal relationship with Him? (cf Peter 1:20; Eph 1:4)