Topic 6 – Righteousness Amongst Rebellion (chapter 5 to 6:8) – Brooke Shaw

We explore the disheartening descent of humanity into sin and the profound implications for our understanding of God's justice and mercy. We encounter a world teetering on the brink of moral collapse. Despite the genealogical account of righteous individuals (such as Enoch), the narrative transitions to a grim reality characterised by widespread corruption and depravity.

  • A thought to ponder: What is the significance of the genealogies in Genesis 5 during a time of great rebellion against God's plan for humanity?


For individual or group study


Comprehension Questions

  1. Both Seth and Cain were born of Adam. How does the genealogy/family of Seth contrast with the genealogy/family of Cain?
  2. What do you think it means that Enoch walked with God as this was before the time of the Abrahamic or Mosaic Law?


Going Deeper Questions

  1. The antediluvian (pre flood) individuals listed in Genesis 5 lived longer life spans compared to today. Why do you think this was so, and how do you think life would have differed then compared to today?
  2. Reflect on God’s reaction to the wickedness of Genesis 6:1-8 and how that gives us insight into God’s character?


Personal Application Questions

  1. Reflecting on Noah’s life in Genesis 6:8, what qualities can you cultivate in your own life to find favour with God in a world that often opposes His ways?

What approach do you take when presented with bible passages that are confusing or don’t make sense to you?  Has this ever taken you down a “rabbit hole” and, if so, did this strengthen or weaken your faith?