Topic 7 – Judgment and Renewal (Genesis 6:9 to 10:32) – Daryl Minter
We navigate the waters of divine judgment and redemption. We witness God’s righteous judgment on a corrupt and wicked world, yet His mercy in preserving a remnant through Noah and his family. The themes of righteousness, faithfulness, and covenant stand out in the enduring promise of God’s salvation amidst the floodwaters.
- A thought to ponder: How does the account of Noah and the flood challenge our understanding of God’s justice, mercy, and the tension between judgment and redemption?
For individual or group study
Comprehension Questions
- What instructions does God give Noah regarding the ark, and how does Noah respond to these instructions in Genesis 6:9-22?
- How does the narrative in Genesis 7-8 describe the events of the flood, including its duration, the stages of the water's rise and fall, and Noah's actions during this period?
Going Deeper Questions
- How does the covenant that God establishes with Noah in Genesis 9:8-17 compare with the covenant made with Adam, and what implications does it have for humanity?
- What is the significance of the genealogies and the table of nations listed in Genesis 10, and how do they demonstrate the spread of humanity post-flood?
Personal Application Questions
- Reflecting on Noah's faithfulness and God's deliverance through the flood, how can you trust and obey God's guidance in your life, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges?
- Considering the covenant sign of the rainbow in Genesis 9:12-17, how can you find hope and reassurance in God's promises, particularly during difficult times in your life?