Preparing for the Mission (Acts 1:1-11)

Acts: The Spirit at Work

The Spirit's Promise: Preparing for the Mission - Acts 1:1-11

Comprehension Questions

  1. According to Acts 1:1-3, what does Luke explain about Jesus' actions and teachings during the 40 days after His resurrection?
  2. In Acts 1:9-11, what happens during Jesus' ascension, and what message do the two men in white robes deliver to the disciples?

Going Deeper Questions

  1. How does Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1:4-5 highlight the disciples' dependence on God's power for their mission?
  2. What is the significance of Jesus' ascension in Acts 1:9-11 for understanding His current role as Lord and the disciples' mission to spread the gospel?

Personal Application Questions

  1. Reflecting on Jesus' command in Acts 1:8 to be His witnesses "to the ends of the earth," how can you participate in sharing the gospel in your own context?
  2. Considering the promise of Jesus' return in Acts 1:11, how does this shape the way you live your daily life and your priorities as a follower of Christ?