Waiting Together in Prayer (Acts 1:12-2:13)

Acts: The Spirit at Work

The Spirit’s Promise: Waiting Together in Prayer

Acts 1:12-2:13

Comprehension Questions

  1. In Acts 1:12-26, how do the disciples prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit, and what process do they follow to choose a replacement for Judas?
  2. In Acts 2:1-13, what happens on the day of Pentecost, and how do the people respond to the disciples' speaking in different languages?

Going Deeper Questions

  1. What does the disciples' devotion to prayer and unity in Acts 1:14 teach about the importance of preparation for God's work?
  2. How does the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in Acts 2:1-4 fulfil the promises of Jesus and the Old Testament about God's presence with His people?

Personal Application Questions

  1. Reflecting on the disciples' reliance on prayer in Acts 1:14, how can you cultivate a similar dependence on prayer and unity in your church or community?
  2. Considering the boldness and empowerment the disciples received from the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:4, how can you rely on the Spirit's guidance and strength to share your faith and live for Christ?