The Spirit’s Promise: Power for Witness (Acts 2:14-47)

WCC was closed due to extreme fire danger conditions, the following is the bible reading and sermon from this online meeting. God bless. 


Acts: The Spirit at Work

The Spirit’s Promise: Power for Witness

Acts 2:14-47

Comprehension Questions

  1. In Acts 2:14-36, how does Peter use Old Testament prophecies to explain the events of Pentecost and proclaim Jesus as the Messiah?
  2. What response do Peter’s listeners have to his message in Acts 2:37-41, and what steps are they told to take as a result?

Going Deeper Questions

  1. How does Peter's sermon in Acts 2:22-36 emphasise both the sovereignty of God and human responsibility in the death and resurrection of Jesus?
  2. What does the description of the early church community in Acts 2:42-47 reveal about the transformative power of the gospel in creating a new kind of fellowship?

Personal Application Questions

  1. Reflecting on Peter's call to repentance and baptism in Acts 2:38, how does this shape your understanding of responding to the gospel and sharing it with others?
  2. Considering the devotion of the early church to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer in Acts 2:42, how can you prioritise these practices in your own spiritual life and church community?