Topic 8 – Humanity’s Pride

Topic 8 – Humanity’s Pride (Genesis 11) – Sebastian Mockler

We encounter the ambitious project of the Tower of Babel, where humanity seeks to build a sacred space, a monument to their own greatness, ‘for their own benefit—that their name might be exalted as a thriving prosperous civilization’.[1] Yet God intervenes, confusing their language and scattering them across the earth. This narrative speaks to the dangers of human pride, and the consequences of seeking glory, and replacing God.

We also conclude our series by reflecting on Genesis 1:1-11. As we conclude our journey through Genesis, may we be inspired to live faithfully as participants in God’s ongoing work of creation and restoration?

  • A thought to ponder: What insights can we gain from the story of the Tower of Babel regarding the dangers of human pride and the importance of humility in our relationship with God and others?


For individual or group study


Comprehension Questions

  1. What event occurs at the beginning of Genesis 11, and what were the people trying to achieve with the construction of the Tower of Babel?
  2. How does God respond to the people's actions in Genesis 11:1-9, and what are the consequences for their attempt to build the tower?


Going Deeper Questions

  1. What does the story of the Tower of Babel reveal about human pride and the desire for self-sufficiency, and how does it contrast with God's desire for humanity?
  2. How does the scattering of languages and people at Babel in Genesis 11:1-9 set the stage for the diversity of cultures and languages seen throughout history?


Personal Application Questions

  1. Reflecting on the lessons from the Tower of Babel, how can you guard against pride and arrogance in your own life, trusting in God's plan and sovereignty instead?

What lessons from the story of Babel can we apply to today’s world? How might the narrative of Babel and its consequences speak to our present-day context of globalisation and technological advancement?